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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hide, everyone hide!  Get deep, get dark, get out of sight!

Yes, the cat carrier has come out once again and that can mean only one thing, one of the Cat Household is going on a trip-one that may mean their end.  No one knows which will be chosen and everyone is frightened.  They hide under beds, behind furniture, in closets, and under sinks to avoid notice and capture.  Everyone is frightened.  Everyone is worried about the others in their home.  Everyone--oh no, here comes the human.  Which will they chose?  Which will be sent to the chamber of horrors?  But the carrier is being put away, what could that mean?  Did we miss something?  Everyone come out and be counted!  Oh no, the newbie, though we get angry with him so often, is missing from our home.  What have they done to him?  Oh, poor poor Shadow.  Will he ever come home? 
THE NEXT DAY:  Shadow is brought into the home smelling of funny scents and looking just awful.  What have they done to you, pal?  Are you OK?  Shadow clears his throat and smiles:  “I jussss had an aventurrr.  Iz good now.”  And he stumbles away to sleep off his adventure.  We may never know the horrors he has experienced.  Poor poor Shadow. 

If you are having trouble getting your pet spayed or neutered, try contacting your local vet for information on getting assistance with the costs.  Also, if you adopt an animal rather than purchase one, you not only give them a great chance on a new life, but they are usually spayed or neutered before you get them.  

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