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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Oh, it is a bright sunny Autumn day in the Cat Household…..

Look, he's already dreaming
about the sleeping
portion of the days events.
And all are anxious about making the most of their day.  They are raring to go with all the activities that make a day wonderful.  Let’s see, Mittens is in charge of the lists so let’s consult him to see what he has in store.  Mittens says:  “The first thing on my list is a good rousing stint of napping-what better way to prepare for the day's excitement.  Next we will yawn, stretch, nibble a bit at our food and then take a much needed nap.  Then, just as we are waking up from our naps, we will chase the newbie out of the way (sorry Shadow) and play with a toy that we like for about, oh say 5 minutes or so, then on to the noon meal and a much needed nap.  The afternoon will be filled with even more excitement as we gather together and share a group nap for the benefit of all just before we chase the newbie out of the room for disturbing our naps (sorry again Shadow).  Finally, we will sleep the afternoon away while we await the moon’s appearance so we can frolic and play in the deep dark corners of the empty rooms.” 

Wow, what an incredible day he has planned for the Cat Household.  Way to go Mittens!

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